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Learn about Natural World Heritage

​What is Natural World Heritage Site?

Natural World Heritage is an asset that should be passed on to the next generation. Not only the richness of nature, but also the spirit of the people who want to protect that nature will be handed down to them.


The Amami Islands are a place where the people of the islands live in harmony with the ancient nature. Among them, "Amami Oshima Island" and "Tokunoshima Island" were recognized as the Natural World Heritage along with two areas in Okinawa Prefecture. 


UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) inscribes Natural World Heritage sites as having unique value in the world in one of the four evaluation criteria: "topography and geology," "ecosystem," "natural landscape," and "biodiversity. 

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​History of the islands

A long time ago, these islands were connected by land to the Eurasian continent and mainland Japan. 


About 2 million years ago, these islands gradually became what they are today. In the process of land change, many creatures became extinct, but there are still some creatures inhabiting in the Amami Islands and Okinawa that were able to survive by adapting to the changes in the environment or by losing their natural enemies.

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There are certain qualifications that need to be registered as Natural World Heritage site. 

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Amami Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, the northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomotejima Island were registered as Natural World Heritage sites because of the diverse ecosystems of rare species that can only be found there. 

​Let's take a look at rare animals and plants!

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I will introduce

the creatures!


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​Amami Rabbit

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With short limbs, ears, and strong claws, it is said to be the rabbit that retains its most primitive appearance. They are nocturnal animals that dig holes and live in nests, and are unique to only two islands, Amami Oshima Island and Tokunoshima Island. They prefer to live in forests and wooded areas. Their numbers are decreasing due to the decline of trees, and predation by mongooses which were introduced from overseas to control the poisonous snake "Habu", stray cats and dogs, then they are in danger of extinction in the wild in the near future. 

​Lidth's jay

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A bird of the crow family with beautiful blue like lapis lazuli and reddish brown feathers. It lives only on Amami Oshima Island, Kakeromajima Island, and Ukejima Island. 


It was listed as an endangered species due to the decline in numbers caused by capture to use its beautiful feathers as a hat ornament and predation by cats and mongooses, however the number of individuals has increased because of protection and fortunately it has been removed from the list now. 


​Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher

One of the kingfisher species that lives in the forest. It is also called the "Firebird" because of their beautiful, bright red beak and wings. 


They sing in a very pretty voice. 

Amami Ishikawa's Frog

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The Amami ishikawa's frog is also known as ”the most beautiful frog" because of the amazing golden spotted pattern. 


It lives only near mountain streams in Amami Oshima Island and has a beautiful voice like a bird. 

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​Amami's violet

The smallest violet in Japan. It has lovely white petals and is found along the mountain streams of Amami Oshima Island. 

St. Thomas' bean

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A large evergreen vine in the legume family. "It is also said to be the plant that was the model for Jack and the Beanstalk. 


Large bean pods can grow to over a meter in length. 

Big bean pods

It can be over 1m!

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To protect the wonderful nature, let's follow the rules when we visit! 

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